RACDO works to improve environmental preservation efforts such as working in Water and Sanitation and Waste Management, supporting municipal and local governments and organizing and coordinating awareness campaigns and walks. RACDO volunteers are collaborating with partners and line departments and taking the steps needed to ensure environmental preservation. We are striving for cleaner environment with engaging the communities in waste management and developing green belts through local governments and community partnerships on self-help basis as we all know the three levels of governments, federal, provincial and local are cutting down the public expenditures nowadays.

5900 local households have benefited from the RACDO Solid Waste Management Program and development of green belts in Punjab, Pakistan. Over the passage of time, the projects achieved self-sustainability and have been handed over to the local CBOs. The projects brought forward thinking, healthier and cleaner living and uplifting in the traditional mindset of the communities of area. It has also confirmed the belief that participatory development initiatives, governments and communities could work together. Secondly, it is a cost-effective way of improving the socio-economic and health environment of the under development areas.

“Our living conditions had always been terrible. Heaps of garbage on the streets caused general unhygienic and water borne ailments like Malaria, Diarrhea, Cholera, skin infections, stomach problems etc. Initially, the inhabitants were not much responsive to RACDO Waste Management Initiative, but when the local organizing committees were formed and this program was handed over to the local Public Welfare Council, they were grateful to the organization. We knew it could not have been carried out without the existence of RACDO in this area. Now we are encouraging other communities and friends, who are interested in launching this program”, Mr. Khaliq, a resident of village 65, on Jhang Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan.